Our Values
Modern Islamic Center
Mutual Support
The spirit of mutual aid, unity and cohesion is the basis of our collective.
Vast Community
The spirit of mutual aid, unity and cohesion is the basis of our collective.
The spirit of mutual aid, unity and cohesion is the basis of our collective.
The spirit of mutual aid, unity and cohesion is the basis of our collective.
The spirit of mutual aid, unity and cohesion is the basis of our collective.
If You are in Doubt Ask Allah
Featured Sermons
Next Steps
How to Get Closer to Allah
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Upcoming Event
Grand Islamic Gathering with
Chicago Imams
Memories of Our Center
Our Community
May 6, 2017
May 10, 2017
May 26, 2017
June 4, 2017
What the Parishioners Say
Stay in Touch
Our Contacts
8500, Gray Street,
Chicago, IL, 55030